What's the answer of the life, universe and everything?

2011年2月27日 星期日




當我興奮地組裝我的第一台電腦時,我不知道在遙遠的大洋彼岸有兩個年輕人在夢想著將整個互聯網下載下來;當我佔著家裡的電話線,第一次連接上互聯網這塊還一片混沌的土地時,我還不知道Google的名字究竟是什麼意思;當我第一次無法登入Google的時候;當我第一次看到Google的新logo的時候;當我在Google books上讀第一本書的時候;當我第一次下載Gtalk的時候;當我第一次用Chrome打開Google的時候……Google一直在前進,Google已經長大了,他還會繼續成長下去,是否該感到恐懼?





The End.

P.S. 童話而已。

2011年2月25日 星期五

【漢語】畫了Google android系統的擬人圖第三彈

不得不承認,eclair的誕生的確把android系統向前帶了一大步,儘管其實有兩個系統都叫eclair……我還是先只畫一個吧= =||||……不過會不會畫2.1……也說不好XD

前些時候密切關注了一下Atrix 4G,對這款設備所展示的前景非常感興趣,以後有空了慢慢貧著。但不管怎樣我想Google對Atrix應該是相當滿意,從他們下一期即將開發的android系統上就能看出來——至少,他們是會試圖向這個方向前進的(我對此信心十足),而且這對於造成手機系統和平板系統的分裂也能起到相當的幫助吧。

2011年2月14日 星期一



沒錯,今天它也上不去了= =,和諧的土地啊……還好Google能上,要是哪天不管在哪裡都上不了Google了,我只好去死了……(不會的,只是說說而已)


1,夢到和朋友住在旅館裡,但是不知道為什麼不想去大廳,每次在旅館進出都是爬牆從窗戶上下。明明是看起來很破舊的五層紅磚小樓,窗戶也很小,進了房間裡卻發現房間很大,還有落地窗;窗外也不是原本小巷面對的另一棟建築的磚牆而是城市的夜景= =……



特別後悔當時居然什麼都沒幹就光傻跑了= =……不過後來很想把夢到的東西畫下來——結果力不從心啊……看來有些東西,保存在腦子裡是最好的,一旦帶到現實世界裡就會立刻褪色,就像古墓中光鮮的衣料,一旦見到現在的空氣,立刻氧化變黑,化作碎片。

3,夢見兩個妹子找我出去玩(老婆我錯了= =)。大中午的天氣很好,我們走在我媽家小區外面的小馬路上(穿越了),轉眼就進了隔壁的一個小區——夢裡這個小區戲份很豐富,我經常夢見它。樓底下種了好多植物,當時是夏天,葉子都很繁盛。有一家人種的是好多瓜,瓜秧爬得到處都是,南瓜快開花了,還有好多別的瓜都在開花我不太認識。一個妹子跑過去要摘一片葉子遮陽用,我說你摘瓜葉子不好,應該用芋頭葉子比較萌(我去= =),旁邊在旱地上長了一大片芋頭。結果她還是跑到那一叢很茂盛的像灌木一樣高的瓜秧中央拔下來一片非常巨大梗有一人多高而且很詭異的怎麼看都很像芋頭葉子的葉子來,連上面爬著的好多開黃花的瓜秧都一塊拔下來了。我很囧地說你怎麼把人家那麼大一片葉子拔下來了,你看周圍還有人呢多不好,她也不理我,非要讓我拿著,我說我不要這個,她非給我。沒辦法我只好像個白痴一樣舉著那玩意兒跟著她們——還挺沉的。走了一會發現那個小區的小廣場上有好多人在做廣播體操,我們就這麼旁若無人地從人家正面走過去了,她倆沒事,我覺得簡直太丟人了,就說這葉子我扔了啊,一看沒人理我我就把葉子扔地上了,直到這時候我才正眼看了那葉子:其實挺好看的,上面有好多大黃花和藤蔓,我又覺得後悔了,不過還是沒有撿起來。


4,夢見每天夜裡所有人都睡了以後我會溜出家門(從窗戶當然)跑到外面去爬雪山= =……雪山人氣很高有好多人在那裡舉辦比賽,還有人表演,賣東西= =。我每天都去那玩,前幾次都挺好的,最後一次我居然在山上迷路了= =,沒辦法,我在山上看見有一條路連著一座橋,似乎可以回去,就下去到那邊去,結果走著走著發現那座橋其實沒連著我想去的地方,天快亮了,我很擔心,然後就醒了。

我始終想不明白為什麼當時非要繞到山的另一頭去走那座橋……在這邊順著馬路走回去不是很快就到家了嗎= =……



2011年2月4日 星期五

Google vs Bing (just some speculations)

I should have submited this earlier, but my dearest furious mama just threw my lap and I outta our house so...

I've watched Google and bing fight for quite a while for collecting some public opinions. Then, having been analyzed what I've got this time and what I already have in the pass, I tend to believed that bing did something wrong even if it didn't break the law. I noticed that there're some ones who didn't believe so due to they thought bing can give better results, here are my understanding.

Google did imitated some effects of bing's,but they're untechnically and can be explained by trying to provide better expirences for users in some minor ways. After all, users don't judge a search engine by how its interface looks like but focus on the results it sends back. By the way, the page preview function is not bing's innovation, an extension of firefox did so on Google years ago. You can say that Microsoft imitated it while Google just picked up what they used to have.

What bing came up with were simple: it was okay that bing didn't know how did Google do some search works better, just copying whatever it found satisfied the users. It's much more convinient to get a better result than updating its algorithm, not to mention how cheaper it is than hiring more engineers to fight against Google: let Google fight against itself, it'd never win. It is like coping your deskmate's paper during the exams ( darn I've dealed with those guys for years). Never think that those cheaters can not get higher marks than yours, I met someones who were really skillful on this. Now I'd like to give an explaination.
From the pic, bing did not stupidly copying Google every times thanks to the way it spys on Google. It only copy those are better than its own, graduelly. It's hard to distinguish those more adviced answers from the others during a real exam, but it's easier to search engines which usually judge this by statisticing users' click. Bing is not that silly who copies all of Google's better results at once or putting spiders on Google's web, Google would discover that, so do users. And that's why most of the users cannot get the same result as which of Google's trap even if they tried to examine bing. Microsoft is a company which has kicked dozens of companies into hell which once did much better jobs in a field than it did, which make it very experienced and cautious. So no thinking of you can catch it without resources and experiences like Google.

So what will be brought to bing after this clever copying? Higher satisfaction! Of course they did since it's got what Google's been good at to make up itself's own defects and left Google falling down onto what it wasn't. Don't forget, according to the intimation of Microsoft, bing doesn't refuse to artificial search results adjustments as a Chinese  search engine named Baidu ( is this what you've learnt from China, Micro?). Contributing to all above, it seems that bing did better this time anyway.
You may think this is clever or at least does no harms to you, not at all! Every unhealthy trend causes disastrous consequences, it's just the matter of will you be spreaded sooner or latter.  

I don't know when did Google started suspecting bing's "little tricks", it's no doult that Google kept this secret so carefully even Microsoft didn't realize it until Google accused to its face. Pics of Google's trap has been reprinted widely so I'm not going to place them, I'd describe it by pics of my own instead.
After being catched by Google in sting, Microsoft got another way to pick on Google: click fraud. It's true that you cannot attract bing to your honeypot by only 20 clicks, I guess bing must somehow has a standard to help it decide whether it should copy a series of results or not. It's also unrealistic to drag hundreds and thousands engineers to do this simple test, Google doesn't hire them for this kind of "work". It wasn't part of most of them's duty and the more people knows, the more possible the plan may leaked. So Google may use some ways lack of property, but as far as we know, invalid clicks can sometimes get same effect as normal ones(sometimes, but never more), at least in Google's test. Whether Google used improper ways wouldn't influence the result only that Microsoft lost the chances of getting known from some careless employees of Google.
Fact is fact, Microsoft was caught in time before they destroying Google like what they've done to Netscape and numerous small companies. Microsoft has been doing a great job in destroying those who were standing in its way, this time it was even overperforming that there're really bunches of people who consider bing as an independent one--NO, THE POSITION OF BING IS NOT EXIST AND WILL NEVER EXIST BECAUSE BING IS NOTHING BUT A PART OF A GIANT EVIL CORPORATION NAMED MICROSOFT! if there's anything imperfect, it is that Microsoft just lets Google growing so big that not only does it remember how Microsoft killed those standard-bearers but can also trap Microsoft itself. Google also payed, no one can fight Microsoft without self-injured.  

There're also groups of guys believes that Google accused bing because Google is afraid of bing. Sounds as silly as those who stick into a wierd point of view that Baidu is better than Google in China. Stop thinking about bing this or bing that, it's not a fight between Google and bing. What Google is concerning about is the one standing behind bing whom I guess no one would say it's no need to keep an eye on. Don't be fooled by Microsoft. It is not bing who is preventing Google from ruling the world of searching, it is Google who tries to prevent Microsoft from ruling the world of future. The way Microsoft choose to improve their search result is very dangerous that it may push the search "development" into a swirl of obsolate informations and endless duplicating(or will it really be endless?). Microsoft tried to mislead users by spreading a "belief" that search engine without working on its algorithm like a paranoid can also goes further. Only Microsoft can make it the way of which I'll discuss next time.
In this case, a thought keeps haulting me: will bing also copies the results from other search engines? Other less that famous or powerful ones which gathering their handful of users' attention drop by drop and definitely don't have the ability and energy to even find out what they've been done to? If bing can copy from Google, it can copy from others by the same way. It's just like Google said that it will not intervern its search results artificially, after all it has that ability.

It's really depressed to see a cheater stealing your efforts of years' hard working by simply copying the final result especially to Google which treats search as its beating heart. I mean, even Baidu( it also copied Google's search result when Google was still in China) would change it here and there to makes it less like copying. Bing wouldn't kills Google in sudden, it just wounds Google, letting it bleeding to death after a long time which seems to be the users choice eliminates it. Very clever I'd say. But how does it works? I've run out of my pics this time and I'm going to put those contents into my next blog if anyone has that interest to read.

Sorry for my poor English writing.